Monday, April 25

Bad Mama

A few weeks ago the twins had stomach flu...again.   That whole routine is getting old (the barf buckets and clean-up and disinfecting everything and OMG they got poop on the carpet! etc)

I got lazy this time around and just pitched anything really dirty in the trash.  Including a pair of old PJ bottoms that I didn't think would be missed.  I was wrong.  Turns out they are Becca's favorite PJ's.  I've had to explain many times what happened to them and today she came up with a rescue plan.  "We will talk to the garbage man and ride on his truck and go to the dump and find my Piglet pants and put them in water and they will be clean.  I really, really miss them, Mama."

(sniff) ...I'm a bad mama.

But I did drive all over town to find gold chocolate coins which were the only thing the twins wanted for Easter.  That was good, right?  Unfortunately, the twins were with me at the time so I had to lie through my teeth save the day and pretend I'd left the bag behind at Bulk Barn thus preserving the myth of the Easter Bunny.   And causing a small amount of crying which I cleverly averted by feeding them cheesies in the car.  Sadly I'd forgotten the diaper bag so they did the next stop on the errand run with orange faces and leaving many orange fingerprints. 

Oh and I didn't get Easter baskets so they did their egg hunt with their Halloween candy buckets.

Wow, I really am a bad mama.

But I did get B a "Beautiful dress that twirls":

And I didn't complain when C insisted on wearing his "Taylor Hall sweater" instead of his adorable Easter outfit.  Or when he wanted to "Run run run" instead of getting pictures taken. 

Happy Easter!


  1. I love it Sandra! And I can soooo relate. I have to admit. I have bumped into another parent of twins (with babies) and as she looks at me with hopeful eyes and asks the famous question, "Does it get easier?", I responded with an honest answer... "hmmmm, I think it just gets different." lol

    Either way, I am with you too... I couldn't be happier.


  2. I couldn't find an easter basket either. I was out at 10pm on Easter Eve looking for a basket. No luck. I had to add the "nesting material" to a kitchen bowl.
    It worked. Jude thought the "nest" was great. Of course an Easter Bunny with eggs has a nest right?!
    Love the blog. I can't wait to read more!

  3. Kersten - lol! I just remember how badly I needed to believe those lies in the early days. My favorite was "soon they’ll be able to entertain each other and you'll have tons of free time." Still waiting for that one too.

    Kim - I don't think there was an easter basket left anywhere in town. We tried 5 stores Saturday afternoon. The bowl-nest looked great though - good improvising.
