So it turns out that having a blog is just another thing for me to procrastinate. There’s so much that I’ve wanted to write about these last two months but I keep getting bogged down with the notion that I have to catch-up first. Well, clearly that’s not going to happen so I’m going to take the advice of Flylady and not even try, just jump in where I am.
So here it goes....
I recently discovered something even more terrifying for the twins than coyotes.
It's always a struggle to find activities to occupy B and C during the “witching hour”. That's the stretch of time right after I pick them up from dayhome when I try to cook supper and they try to destroy the house and/or inflict serious injury on each other. They used to watch cartoons but now it seems they're too cool for Treehouse. As B puts it “But it never stops, Mama. It just never stops.” I can't argue with you there.
They do, however, love watching You-tube videos. I’ve created a few playlists of nursery rhymes and kids songs but they kept asking me to replay or skip videos which defeats the whole purpose. So I taught them how use the mouse to select and play videos on their own. This worked great. I was amazed at how well they cooperated, deciding which which video to watch next and taking turns with the mouse. I kept an eye over their shoulders so I could jump in quickly if they clicked onto something inappropriate.
But it turned out that danger lurked in an unexpected place. One day they stumbled onto this video.
But it turned out that danger lurked in an unexpected place. One day they stumbled onto this video.
On the surface it seemed harmless. Then the screaming started. Full-on blood-chilling screams. Incoherent wailing, tears pouring down their faces. I’ve never seen anything like it. I ran over and scooped them up trying to figure out what calamity had caused such an extreme reaction. Crushed fingers? Electric shock from the computer? Razor blades in their cereal bars? I had no idea it was the video. They finally calmed down enough to explain. “The sheep said “Baa”, Mommy. It was so scary. Don’t play that Baa Baa Black Sheep EVER AGAIN!!!”
I am ashamed to admit that I briefly considered recreating the incident so I could capture their reaction on video, but that would be evil... bordering on child abuse... so you’ll have to take my word for it.
I am ashamed to admit that I briefly considered recreating the incident so I could capture their reaction on video, but that would be evil... bordering on child abuse... so you’ll have to take my word for it.
I still can’t put my finger on what exactly was so terrifying about poor Baa Baa Black Sheep. Sure the animation is lame and dialogue stilted. But the twins love all the other nursery rhyme videos from which are just as weird.
So they don’t go on Youtube by themselves anymore. And I'm still looking for a new distraction for witching hour.
The ram kind of freaks me out too. He sort of looks like he wants to jump out & attack.