Friday, May 6

Outdoor adventures

I am thoroughly enjoying this spring outside with the kids.
It’s already a gazillion times better than last year.   Yet another example of how 2 ½ years old kicks ass compared to 18 mths.  I may yet realize my dream of working in the garden while the twins play.
When we picked this lot to build our house, we obviously didn’t have toddlers in mind (the drowning hazards, the forest filled with predatory animals etc.)  And the lack of fences is a big issue.  It will be awesome for grade school kids, but right now, it’s a challenge.  
It's important to us to spend lots of time outside with the kids but it can be frustrating.   Last year we had to constantly hover around them in a 2 foot radius to divert them from hazards.  And they’d run away.  Lord, how I hated the running away.  Our neighbor’s trampoline was a frequent target.  Nothing could dampen the siren’s song of that stupid trampoline.  And then I’d charge after them and round them up while they giggled manically because there is NOTHING more funny than me chasing them and looking like an idiot.

But this year they’ve had no trouble staying in our yard (so far).  Occasionally they cast a longing gaze at the trampoline and mumble sadly “The jumpoline is for big kids only” but that’s it.
And it’s the same thing with the front yard.  We spent all last summer trying to keep them off the road.  Endless discussions about the dangers of cars and getting lost that all fell on deaf ears.  This year, we drew a chalk line at the bottom of the driveway to mark the boundary and problem solved.  They stay on the driveway.  Of course we still have to watch them but we’re actually getting a little yard work done too.
Everyone has things they miss from their child-free days (free-time, a night-life, sleeping in,  privacy in the bathroom, etc.)  Those things didn’t seem like sacrifices to me  -- a small price to pay for the joy the kids bring me.  But I do miss spending a whole day working in the garden.  I squeeze in as much as I can during naps and after the kids go to bed but it’s not the same. 
I’m looking forward to this summer.  And oh boy, just wait until next year.

Throwing rocks into the pond (from a safe distance)

Look Mom, no escape attempts!

Inspecting some deer droppings.  "We won't touch it, Mama.  Poop is dirty"

Quote of the day:
Charles:  “Mama, up please. Up Please. Up PLEASE!!!!”
Me: “Sorry bud, I can't.  I’m already holding Becca.
Charles [angrily biting into each word]: “No, Mama.  You can carry TWO babies!  YOU! ARE! REALLY! STRONG!”

1 comment:

  1. Jude often wants up when I am holding Elise too. If I can, I usually pick him up and he gets the biggest smile "Look Mommy, now you have TWO babies."
    Enjoy your summer of more freedom. I'm looking forward to one "more independent" baby and one that can't run away!!
